Shamanic Work Offered in My Practice

As a shamanic practitioner I find ways to bring you knowledge, power and healing from the spirits; this could include working with Nature, the body or the creative arts. I can journey for you or teach you to journey. I also offer shamanic ways of training, counselling and supervision as well as courses for those working with shamanism.

Divination Journey – For knowledge about your issue or situation to help you make choices and find good ways of living your life.

Help Journey – For power to help you bring about desired change in yourself and your life.

Spirit Helper Retrieval – To restore original connections or bring new helper(s) for general or specialist help.

Soul Retrieval – To locate, return and re-integrate lost soul parts.

Shamanic Healing – To clear, transform and remove blocked or inappropriate energy.

Rites of Passage – Help and guidance to prepare for and mark special times and occasions for successful completion and celebration.

Death and Life Work – Guidance help and healing for the dying and the dead to make a good crossing and, for the living, to embrace both death and life with love and peace.

Following an initial discussion with you, I seek the spirit’s guidance on what work is needed and most appropriate.

Learning to Journey

To create a clear experience of shamanic journeying and a good connection with your spirit helpers, I support your natural abilities and offer the skills and disciplines needed to complete this practice. You will learn to formulate missions (requests based on clear intention) and to journey speaking aloud, a traditional shamanic technique, which improves your focus. Reviewing your recorded journey together, I help you to connect with and ground the teachings of your spirits (4 – 5 sessions for beginners).

Developing Your Practice

Working with an experienced shamanic practitioner is a good way to continue on from the basics. Through journeying you add to your own experience and deepen your learning. I explore with you to help refine skills and understanding; the spirits guide you to find and walk your path; together we discover and set specific journeys and tasks, which build strength and trust in your own shamanic practice. This is one to one training, not shamanic apprenticeship (sessions by individual agreement for ongoing students).

Shamanic Counselling

The heart of this work is your relationship with your spirit guides. They are your true counsellors. These sessions provide a sacred space for you to bring them what needs attention and change. Using shamanic journeying you can ask for and receive guidance, help and healing. Witnessing and exploring your journey with you, I use my training and experience to help you embrace the power and wisdom of your spirits and find ways to bring this into your daily life.

Tending Our Practice

For shamanic practitioners who work or intend to work with others. This is a deep weave of ancient shamanic ways and the modern practice of professional supervision: using yourself and your practice with others as the focus, we attend to ethics, safety and ongoing development. We work in partnership with the spirits, asking for help and guidance to celebrate strengths, develop missing skills and transform blocks to good practice. This work is offered individually or in small groups and can also be available by telephone.

Rounding the Circle

Shamanism is a community practice. This course is individually designed to help new shamanic groups create healthy and supportive learning communities, or to restore harmony and seed practices that nourish healthy change in existing communities (also available to specific projects or working partnerships). With the spirits we discover ways of being in our power with others. Finding and bringing our own special gifts and talents we learn to share the power of the circle, and balance serving with being served in our community. If you are interested in “Rounding the Circle” or any of my other courses, please ask for further information. I work with shamanic practice to explore areas of community, personal and spiritual development, creative expression and practitioner development.

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Kathy Fried | The Silver Birch Centre | 29 Chambers Lane, London. NW10 2RJ | +44 (0)20-8459-3028 |

last updated: 19 May, 2006 12:19